Natalie McGrorty

Natalie McGrorty

Natalie specialises in womb health and Face Reading, with particular expertise in fertility, pelvic pain conditions, menstrual health, and the perinatal period. She supports women to reconnect to the inherent wisdom, creativity and rhythmical cycles of the body, as a path to health and vitality.

Drawing on her personal experience and extensive training in the field of women’s health and Face Reading, Natalie provides a holistic approach to uncover underlying root causes of imbalance and then guides women to create the foundations for easeful, healthy menstrual cycles, hormonal balance and optimal fertility.

In addition to her work in the healing arts, Natalie is an artist and a mother. Natalie’s artworks can be seen here: www.nataliemcgrorty.com

If you would like further information on anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: lunarhealingarts@gmail.com / +44 (0)7599283033

Natalie’s training includes:
Face Reading Apprenticeship, with Lillian Pearl Bridges, Lotus Institute.
Master Face Reading Certification Program, with Lillian Pearl Bridges, Lotus Institute.
Holistic Pelvic Energy™ Certification, with Tami Lynn Kent. 
Women’s Health Coach certification, with the Integrative Woman’s Health Institute (IWHI).
Optimal Fertility: Preconception Detoxification and Preparation Program Certification, IWHI.
Heart Led Living Intuitive Coaching certification, with Sue Dumais.
Rejuvance™, with Ilaira Bouratinos.
Paramana Doula certification, with Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers.
Abdominal-Sacral Massage™ certification.
Fertility Massage Therapy™ certification.

Natalie is insured through BGi